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For this purpose, a separate Maclear Provision Fund is formed to cover recurrent interest payments to investors in case of temporary defaults of payments from borrower's projects caused by unpredictable economic falls or other adverse circumstances.
Our Provision Fund is filled with Maclear's funds earned by the various services provided to customers and commissions earned for successfully funded projects. We will be transferring 2% from each project funded on the Maclear platform to the Provision Fund.
We will also add all commissions earned by Maclear for transactions on the secondary market to the Provision Fund.
If the borrower defaults on scheduled interest payments for more than 3 days, Maclear will immediately start the preliminary work on various aspects related to the problem identification and its elimination At the same time, Maclear will continue to pay out interest payments to investors from the Provision fund until the borrower resumes interest payments according to the financial schedule.
If the borrower defaults on scheduled interest payments for more than 30 days, Maclear specialists will immediately initiate a soft debt collection process to resolve the problems resulting in delayed payments. At the same time, all interest payments will continue to be paid out to investors according to the repayment schedule. These payments will be made from the Provision fund.
If the borrower defaults on payments for more than 60 days, Maclear shall initiate legal proceedings and enforcement of collaterals, and other securities for their realization, acting as Collateral and Collection Agent on behalf of all investors participating in the financing of the borrower's project.By signing the initial Assignment Agreement, the investor authorizes Maclear to act as Collateral and Collection Agent.Also, investors agree to sign any documents or authorizations that Maclear may require to execute the debt collection measures. Measures that Maclear deems appropriate as Collateral -being a Collection Agent.
The final distribution of funds and repayment of investments to the Investor should be possible only upon completion of the sale of all collaterals and guarantees provided by the defaulted borrower. Only after that, all collected funds are distributed by Maclear among all investors who participated in the funding of the borrower's project.If Maclear is unable to collect the outstanding amount and such amount is not covered by the provision fund, then any collected amount will be distributed among the Investors on a pro-rated basis.
As a result, all Maclear investors will receive all principal and interest payments with a very high level of probability.
There are no delays on Maclear platform.
If the borrower is more than 3 days late on monthly interest payments, Maclear will continue paying out interest payments from the Provision fund until the borrower resumes interest payments.